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2 results

'Sandy Knowe' 3911 Bundarra Rd Inverell

'Sandy Knowe' 3911 Bundarra Rd Inverell

Grazing, farming, fattening & subdivision potential!.

  • Property bedrooms 8 beds
  • Property bathrooms 3 baths
  • Property area 1246 acres
  • Property car 2
'Sandy Knowe' 3911 Bundarra Rd Inverell

'Fernlee' 557 Pindari Dam Rd Ashford

Call for price
'Fernlee' 557 Pindari Dam Rd Ashford

Mixed Grazing Property With Severn River Magic, 1528 Acres –...

  • Property bedrooms 5 beds
  • Property bathrooms 2 baths
  • Property area 1528 acres
'Fernlee' 557 Pindari Dam Rd Ashford

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